A total of 1483 contexts from the settlement site are not represented
in any catalogue entries. The numbers and types of feature are tabled below.
Of these, 205 are natural features and 525 are no entries, which means that they were either issued in error or were proved not to be real by excavation. This leaves a total of 753 contexts, the vast majority of which are small groups or individual post holes (664 contexts).
This leaves a total of 3.8 % of features which are not in the catalogue, which goes down to 0.45% if post holes are left out.
These features contain a small number of objects and animal bones.
191 objects which represents 0.25% of the total objects recovered.
144 animal bones which represents 0.15% of the total animal bones recovered.
None of the contexts remaining contain more than a combined total of 7 finds.
In order to find out exactly which contexts are not in the catalogue, you need to go to the Access database, which contains a field called Incat. If you run a query for Is Null, all the contexts not in the catalogue will be pulled out. If the entry is Y, then it has been documented. If it is PP, than a page has been created, but the finds details are not yet inserted (this is only the case for some of the spits and layers).